Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome Mr. Prez

Today our country officially welcomed it's new president. I got together with some friends to have a little inauguration shin-dig. We had a lovely spread, good company and our thoughtful host even supplied us with little red, white & blue ribbons to pin on our shirts (thanks Mel!). I felt so patriotic. ;) Granted hearing the inauguration and speeches over the roar of the..hmmm...10, yes 10 kids, was a challenge at times, a good time was had by all.

Liberals and conservatives alike, we all can recognize today was most definitely a day of historical significance. Hearing people who grew up in the 50's say they never dreamed they'd see the day when our country would elect a black president is enough to move one to tears. Angry and shameful tears for the fact that our country was ever in such a state and joyful tears that this dream is now a reality.

Even though I can't say that I entirely share in their sentiment, I appreciate that many people have such high hopes in President Obama. It's nice to see so many people excited about our country's future. It's about time all the whining and Bush-bashing ended-- it was sure dragging us ALL down!

So...I say thank you and bid adieu to President Bush and welcome President Obama. Cheers and good luck. You're gonna need it...you sure have lots of expectations to meet!

1 comment:

The Sugden Kids said...

very well put, Ana!

You're welcome, and thanks for coming!!
We had a great time!!