Friday, January 16, 2009


I'm missing my sister. I always miss her, but especially so these past couple weeks. She's always been such a great sister, and since I've become a mother I've gotten to appreciate her in a whole new way. I love being able to bounce around ideas, ask for advice and just vent my frustration. She always understands where I'm coming from...geez, writing this is just making me miss her more!

I love this picture of us as kids. I think the photo was taken right after my mom unveiled our newly remodeled room to us. We loved it! To top it off, the photo is a Polaroid! Does that date me or what?? And you're if the Little House on the Prairie dresses don't?? Ha!

1 comment:

The Sugden Kids said...

Awe, so sweet! Love the pic!

I wish my sister and I were closer... we love to hate each other and hate to love each other! :) I guess it's our dance...