Monday, February 2, 2009

Steeler Nation

Well, Steeler Nation was in full force at our house last night. For those who don't know, my hubby is from PA so he grew up rooting for Pittsburgh. It was rather ironic that they were playing Arizona in the Superbowl as that's where we moved from just a year and a half ago! If it had been any other team besides the Steelers, we probably would've rooted for the Cards. I mean let's face it, it's fun to root for the underdog. Funny thing is though, the Cards were always such a joke for Arizonans. People would laugh at how awful they were...season after season. Now all of the sudden they're good-- and that Larry Fitzgerald! Holy cow, he's awesome!

Anyways...getting back to the Steelers. Gabe had his Steelers shirt on along with his Terrible towel. Even Mia was whippin' that Terrible towel around shouting "Go Steelers" in a cheerleading type of chant (OK, I admit it...I taught her to do that!). We had a bit of a scare in the 4th quarter but the Steelers pulled it off! It was fun watching with Gabe because he was so exuberant---he was half of our entertainment! Some of our friends got to witness just how loud he can get-- good thing he warned them beforehand! Ha! If they ever wondered where Mia got her energy from, there is now no question. :)

Go Steelers!

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