Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Spring Tease

Lately we've had a bit of a spring weather. Almost all of the snow has melted, and it feels like spring is here. Of course, it's only a tease because it's February so winter hasn't had her final say-- but we'll take it! It was 60 degrees and sunny yesterday so we were actually able to go to the park! Who would've thought we'd be able to have a park day in February!?!

Yesterday was the first time in quite a while that the girls were able to go outside without coats and hats on. When we went outside to get in the car, Mia started dashing around, absolutely ecstatic. She had her face up to the sun, huge grin, with the wind blowing through her hair while she did laps around the car. Then I realized...she's acting out exactly what I'm feeling right now! The beautiful weather had absolutely gone to our heads and we were totally giddy! Even I felt like jumping and sprinting around in glee! Weeeee! Hooray for this taste of spring-- we needed it!

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