Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Gabe!

Today is my hubby's birthday...
Since it's all about Gabe today, I wanted to list just a few of the things that I truly love about my husband. There are many things of course...these are just a few!

First of all, I completely appreciate and love how he makes me and the kids his priority. There's never a doubt in my mind (and never has been) that we are Gabe's whole world. I know that all he wants is to love us as best as he can, and he really does such a great job at it. I've never felt unloved or rejected by him. He is never rude, disrespectful or dishonest. I can't tell you how much I value the fact that I can say that! Even if Gabe has a bad day or he's a little cranky, he never acts it out on me or the kids. I know that it take a lot of self-control and personal responsibility to do that-- that's definitely an area I am working on!

Along this same line of thinking, I admire the love and compassion that Gabe has for everyone. He can and will talk to anyone and everyone. Somehow he always finds something to talk about --even people who he has nothing in common with-- and it's never awkward. People open up and tell him things about themselves or their lives, even without you asking! He truly has a way with people...

I love Gabe's boisterous laugh and zeal for the things he's excited about. It's not just me that feels this way...ask anyone who knows him-- his excitement and intensity are contagious! I love to be around him! He is outgoing, exciting, funny, spontaneous, smart, and all around a great man. I love you Gabriel with all my heart!

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