Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Good times

I was blessed to have my friend Carol (and her cutie pie son Liam) visiting from TN this past week. Not only was it nice to see a familiar face and spend time with a good friend, but we had another added blessing. For months past, Gabe and I have worried about what would we do should the baby decide to arrive prior to my mom's arrival. Carol's visit solved this dilemma!

It was a fun time watching the two kids interact and play together. Mia just loved chasing Liam around the house and playing peek-a-boo with him. She's definitely going to miss her little friend. We got to do some fun stuff while they were here...We went to the Chicago Children's Museum (SO fun-- I highly recommend this museum for kids of all ages), Navy Pier, a pumpkin farm, the Lincoln Park Zoo (totally free admission and still an awesome zoo!)...and, of course, we got in a healthy dose of shopping.

So a big thanks and shout out needs to go to our friend Carol. Thanks for a fun-filled week. It was nice staying active and having the distraction from being so very preggers. ;) I miss her already! I absolutely love Carol's humility, honesty and tenderness of heart. I'm thankful for a friend like her...

P.S....preggers update: I am about 38 and a half weeks now. Nothing interesting happening in the labor department besides a bad case of heartburn. My mom arrived yesterday--- yippie!


Carol said...

Oh, yay! I love the pictures! Thanks, Ana, for having us. We had an amazing time! We already miss you tons! Love you!

Anonymous said...

So glad Carol got to be there with you!!!! It looks like you had so much fun! Congrats on the newest addition to your family. Maggie is so beautiful and I love the way Maggie and Mia sound together. I want to be there with you so bad!