Sunday, December 30, 2007

Best Christmas gift ever!!!

This Christmas I got one of the best gifts a mom could ever ask for-- my little Maggie started smiling! We'd seen glimpses of her smile while she slept but hadn't seen that real social smile until a few days before Christmas. I'm sure all you parents can relate to the feelings it stirs up when you see your baby smile back at you...especially after weeks and weeks of caring for your little one and getting virtually no response back! That first month+ is undoubtedly special, but I must admit that I get tired of that seemingly unresponsive blob! I mean that in the most endearing way of course. ;) In fact, I've been pondering lately how the newborn-parent relationship is probably a lot like the human-God relationship. I mean, God gives and gives and we take and take but don't really ever give anything in return. Yet God does it all because he loves us, just as I (as a parent) do all I do because I love my baby. It doesn't matter that she's not giving anything in return-- I love her!! But, I suppose I've revealed the main difference in the analogy-- God never gets weary of the process nor expects anything in return. Thank goodness!

So the next best gift I got was finding out that my sister and my newphew Mathew are coming out to visit me in January. Yippie! Can't wait to see them!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Too funny!

As Mia's vocabulary is growing and she's starting to repeat what she hears Gabe and I saying, I'm starting to become more aware of what I say around her. Don't worry, I don't have to worry about cursing or anything like that, but isn't this cartoon just too funny!! HA!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Mommy mush

OK so lately I feel like my brain is turning into mommy mush! I need some serious mental stimulation! I would like to read a good book, but for some reason I can't seem to find one that interests me.

So, this is where I need your help! What book would you recommend? What is your all-time favorite book and why?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Maggie mugshots

Here's a couple recent pictures I took of Maggie. She's already grown and changed so much!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Panty raid

Mia just loves to get into any and every drawer and cabinet in the house and pull out all its contents. For some reason she especially loves to raid my underwear drawer! The other day I found her in there yet again-- I got such a kick outta seeing her. She had put about 8 pairs of undies over her head! One thing's for sure...I definitely smile and laugh more since having kids!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Leaf snow

Well, autumn is coming to a close and winter is right around the corner. It's weird how fast the leaves turn and fall. About 2 weeks ago all the trees in our area were vibrant with almost all the trees are bare. The leaves on one of the maples in our front yard turned a pretty golden yellow and all fell off within two days. They are covering the whole yard like snow...can't even see the grass anymore! It was fun seeing Mia run around in the leaves. It was a totally new experience for her-- come to think of it, it's been such a long time for me it's kind of like a new experience for me too!

Something Gabe and I have been reflecting on lately is how the seasons serve such an important role in the passing of time. When we lived in Arizona it was like one never-ending seemed to blur together and there was no significant demarcation of time. Of course I'm exaggerating a little bit-- but do you know what I mean? I don't know, seems like God's nature reminding me of the passage of time and prompting me to assess my life.

Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving day. What a great holiday to celebrate! It's refreshing to have a day where we get to mull over everything we are thankful for. I'm not even going to try to list here everything I am thankful for, but my heart is full these days as I'm keenly aware of God's blessing in my life.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Maggie Elisabeth

I'm feeling overwhelmed with the task of posting about my sweet Maggie's birth. I don't know how to blog about something so big. There's too much to say...

I guess I should start with the facts. Maggie Elisabeth was born on November 8th, which was her due date. She was 7lbs, 3oz and 21 inches long. She looks like Mia in many ways but definitely still has her own look. She's got lots of dark hair and cute pinchable cheeks. So far she's very quiet and mellow-- only cries when she's hungry or when her cruel mommy uses a cold wet-wipe to clean off her bottom. ;) Of course newborns mostly just sleep away their first couple weeks so we will see if these characteristics remain true down the road.

My labor and delivery with Maggie was so drastically different than with Mia. I labored with Mia for over 24 hours including pushing for 3, had to be augmented with pitocin and needed an episiotomy. With Maggie it was less than 3 hours start to finish-- no need for augmentation of any kind!

Here's the synopsis...I woke up around 4am on the Thursday she was born with very minor contractions-- nothing major but painful enough to wake me up. The contractions never amounted to anything after getting up and around a little later. We decided Gabe should go ahead and go to work-- I'd call him if anything serious started happening. The day was pretty uneventful (except my Dad arrived from AZ). We went on a couple walks to try and get things going. That evening we ate a tasty dinner that my Mom cooked-- after dinner around 6:30 I started having painful contractions. Over the next hour and a half things progressed quickly-- my contractions were lasting under a minute but were anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes apart. When I started getting the shakes I realized it was probably time to head to the hospital! A quick call to the midwife confirmed this and we were off by 8pm. During the 40 minute car ride to the hospital I was having killer contractions...I think I was hollering a bit and I know I bit the seatbelt a couple times. ;) At one point I told Gabe to hurry...he took me very serious...Gabe was going 100mph at times, flashing his lights at people to move over. We even ran a redlight! When we got to the hospital room around 8:45pm, the midwife checked my cervix. She said to me, "How far along do you want to be?" Well of course anyone would want to be as far along as possible, but I figured I was maybe 4 or 5cm at that point. She smiled and said I was 8cm. She wanted to let me labor a little while and see if my water would break naturally because she had 2 other patients who were 8cm also with their waters already broken-- she didn't want to have 3 babies ready to deliver at once. Her and the nurse kept telling us we'd be having the baby really soon-- before midnight-- Gabe and I were in doubt, recalling that I had stalled at 8cm for many a long hour with Mia. After 20 or so miserable minutes she came back in announcing that the other 2 women weren't progressing so would I like her to break my water and get things moving. Of course I was game. While breaking my water she told me I was fully dilated. Things moved VERY quickly once my water was broke. I had the most painful contraction yet-- but it wasn't letting up! My body started bearing down and I wanted to push. So I did! That's when the nurse and midwife urgently told me to wait because the baby was right there but the midwife didn't have gloves on yet. I remember Gabe saying "she's right there Ana!" I was able to hold off for a second then one push later Maggie was born! They immediately put her on my chest-- what a feeling!!! She was so sweet and tiny...I guess I had forgotten how little newborns are! Gabe had collapsed crying just like he had when Mia was born (isn't he so cute!?). I think he was in shock that everything happened so fast. We both were. We're so thankful that it was better and easier this time around. Thanks to everyone for their prayers!

The feelings of instantaneous love that I felt for Maggie were no less potent or real than I felt upon first seeing Mia. I had wondered before how I would be able to love another child as much as I love Mia. Well, I guess I know now. In my eyes she's perfect, and I couldn't feel more blessed. Mia loves her sister too. The very first thing she did when we introduced her to Maggie was kiss her! And she's been great every since. All she wants to do is kiss her and give her toys!

I'd like to thank my Mom for all her help during her 2 week visit. She did practically all the cooking and cleaning and helped out in a major way with Mia-- even made frozen meals for us to cook later when she was gone! I don't know how we would've done it without her. Mia grew quite attached to her Grandma. Now if she hears a noise that she thinks is coming from the kitchen (which is where the door to our basement/guest room is)-- she cries out "Grandma!!" and runs in to the kitchen. So...thanks Mom! You are missed by us all!

This turned into quite a long post-- I told you I had a lot to say! I'll stop now and let the pictures speak for themselves (you can click on the slideshow if you want to see the pictures larger)...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Good times

I was blessed to have my friend Carol (and her cutie pie son Liam) visiting from TN this past week. Not only was it nice to see a familiar face and spend time with a good friend, but we had another added blessing. For months past, Gabe and I have worried about what would we do should the baby decide to arrive prior to my mom's arrival. Carol's visit solved this dilemma!

It was a fun time watching the two kids interact and play together. Mia just loved chasing Liam around the house and playing peek-a-boo with him. She's definitely going to miss her little friend. We got to do some fun stuff while they were here...We went to the Chicago Children's Museum (SO fun-- I highly recommend this museum for kids of all ages), Navy Pier, a pumpkin farm, the Lincoln Park Zoo (totally free admission and still an awesome zoo!)...and, of course, we got in a healthy dose of shopping.

So a big thanks and shout out needs to go to our friend Carol. Thanks for a fun-filled week. It was nice staying active and having the distraction from being so very preggers. ;) I miss her already! I absolutely love Carol's humility, honesty and tenderness of heart. I'm thankful for a friend like her...

P.S....preggers update: I am about 38 and a half weeks now. Nothing interesting happening in the labor department besides a bad case of heartburn. My mom arrived yesterday--- yippie!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

37 weeks...and counting

Well, today I am 37 weeks along in my pregnancy. Baby is now considered full-term, so I guess that means we can expect her arrival any day now. Thank God. Seriously. I am so ready to have this baby out of my body and in my arms!

My feelings about this pregnancy have kind of been a roller coaster. After the initial shock and disbelief that I was actually pregnant again so soon I felt a mixture of feelings. Part of me felt happy (I mean how can you not be happy to have another baby?!), but part of me just didn't feel ready. I felt like I was just pregnant, I was still nursing Mia and my body was finally almost back to normal. Well, I guess I got over that before too long and just embraced being excited. Then, lo and behold, the anxiety of having 2 kids set in. And not just 2 kids--- 2 babies really. I mean, 19 months apart really isn't very much. In many ways Mia is still like a baby. I worried about not just my ability to even handle it but my ability to keep my sanity! Around the time I was having these feelings Mia was acting particularly clingy and cranky...which wasn't helping the matter. Thankfully, I had a good conversation with my sister who helped calm me down about the whole thing. Also, she reminded me that our kids pick up on our negative feelings-- perhaps this was why Mia was acting the way she was. After that phone call, a few tears, a big plea for help from God and a major attitude adjustment...I felt much better. And go figure, Mia started acting a lot better after that!

In making the actual preparations for this baby's arrival I've come to feel a sweet joy (if that makes any sense). Pulling out those little newborn clothes from storage, getting the infant carseat ready, buying all the nursing essentials-- all those things have helped bring me to the place where I'm really ready for this baby. And I'm really happily anticipating her too. I absolutely adore the little person that Mia is, and I know I'll feel the same way about this child too. I am reminded of God's Word that tells us He knows us before we are knitted in our mother's womb and we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." Indeed, this child is God's creation...and I'm happy that I have the opportunity to be part of bringing her into the world.

But that doesn't change the fact that I'm ready to have my body back! ;)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

My city

This is the biggest move I've ever done as an adult-- it's so weird to just pack up all your stuff and move over 1,000 miles and call that home. Somehow, with God's grace I suppose, I've slipped into it seamlessly. Even Gabe has (he's usually the one who handles change with less ease). We're still really grateful that we've gotten this opportunity to move here, and I can honestly say that we're really happy here. We're pretty settled into our house now...still a few things that need to get done but we've gotten everything situated relatively quickly (for us anyways-- we usually take forever!)

Chicago is such a cool city! I can't resist saying a few words about our first excursion into the city and posting a few photos. We took the train-- it took about an hour. Pretty nifty little set-up they have with the trains. Most of the day was spent just walking around and checking everything out. It's strange that a collage of enormous skyscrapers can be so beautiful! Mainly, we spent our time in Grant Park. They have all these cool art structures and fountains-- the coolest being the reflective "bean" (see pic). We had such a nice day-- the weather was in the 70's, sunny, nice breeze-- perfect! We just kept pinching ourselves that we were finally in Chicago-- and we can say it's our town! Sweet!

It's cooled down nicely here and lately we've been having beautiful, crisp autumn days interspersed with mellow, rainy days. Ahhh, the seasons...I've missed you!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Well, I'm back to blogging. My last stint was short-lived. But now that I've moved so far away from most of my friends and family, I feel like I need to make an extra effort to stay in touch and keep everyone abreast of everything going on with me. Having a blog seems to be the best and easiest way to do that. I can't promise anything at this point-- I really don't know how good of a job I'll do at keeping this blog up to date (especially with another little one on the way), but I'm going to give it a go.

Honestly blogging "weirds" me out a little bit. Knowing that my words, thoughts and pictures are out there on the internet for practically anyone to see/read and more importantly-- not knowing who those people are!-- well, that's kinda creepy. So in light of this, I am asking you to help me feel better in this area and keep this blog secure. You can do this in a several ways:

1) Don't link this blog to you or anyone else's blog.
2) Don't give the web address to anyone else unless you KNOW I wouldn't mind
3) Add comments to my posts whenever you have the chance or inspiration so I know who's reading about me!

Sorry if I seem anal....just want to keep myself and my family safe from any weirdos out there. ;) That being said, hope you enjoy the read...