Sunday, January 10, 2010

She's crafty

A little Beastie Boys reference there in the title, but no that's not the kind of crafty I'm talking about. I am literally talking about crafts...since I've been out of bloggy world I've been gettin' my craft on more so than in the past. I've gotten some good projects completed, and I've found it to be quite therapeutic actually! I have found that it's not so much the crafty work involved that I enjoy, it's the completed project that I relish. It feels really good to me when I finish something. I find unfinished business really nags at the back of my mind. And of course it's great having something fun to do when stuck inside during the winter, and you get something pretty to look at in the end.
So I took on finishing Maggie's babybook-- it is a scrapbook just like I did for Mia. I really should have carefully considered the kind of babybook I made for Mia because it set the precedent for all our other kids. Scrapbooking can be fun but it's also kind of laborious and messy-- not such a great craft when you have nosy little ones poking into everything you do! Even so, it turned out cute, and it was fun taking a trip down memory lane looking at all the baby photos of Magsees.

My favorite crafty thing to do these days is sew. I made a new set of curtains for my living room, and I think they came out quite nicely. Then I took on doing my first sewing project following a pattern-- I chose a sassy, retro apron. Cute AND functional. Sweet! Then came my big first quilt. It's a lap quilt for my living room and it coordinates with the curtains I made. Boy was that a lot of work! I definitely have a long way to go as far as technique goes if I want to become a quilter. It is really pretty, but that's mostly due to the fact that I used yummy fabric by my fave designer, Amy Butler. I could probably totally butcher a project and it would still look pretty if I used her fabric. Check out the photo and you'll see what I mean!

Anyways, still deciding what I want my next project to be. I am by no means original or as crafty as some people, but I enjoy it.

1 comment:

The Sugden Kids said...

LOL, you Crafty Girl... seriously, I LOVE your apron, and your quilt, the fabric is very yummy... I can't wait to see your curtains!
Your progress is very inspiring, I think I might need to go pick up my craft corner in the basement and allow for some space for the creative juices to flow! :)