Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Highs and lows

I've been pondering on how to cover the past 8 or whatever months that are missing from my blog. I was going to dedicate several posts to summarizing that period of time, but frankly, I just don't think I have the energy for it right now. Maybe later I will?

Here is the very raw summary:
Mia turned 3 in April. The summer started out nice. Found out my mom has kidney cancer in June...Mom & Dad return from South Africa stat and Mom gets her kidney removed. Had a lovely visit in PA with hubby's family. Visit AZ in August to see Mom and Dad...good to see the family...Mom is recovering nicely from surgery but will need to start chemo ASAP because the cancer is aggressive and has spread to her lungs. September, find out I am expecting baby #3...tired and queasy turns to feeling fine...have a miscarriage. Thought I was 10 weeks but turns out baby stopped growing at 6. A few days after D&C surgery, November 8th, Maggie turns 2. I am a hormonal/emotional wreck for a few weeks. In-laws visit for Thanksgiving. We are broke and have been for a while...so much for the so-called raise he was supposed to get by moving here! December...find out Mom has been going downhill since Thanksgiving...the most recent drug isn't working...the cancer is in her bones and brain now too. Have a low-key Christmas and New Years. Our church announces it's closing it's doors in a couple months...ran out of money. Feeling melancholy a lot...thinking of and praying for Mom. Feel a sense of urgency to see Mom...trip planned for January.

So there you have it. 2009 in a nutshell. Gabe and I have decided that 2009 wasn't such a hot year for us. We definitely had our share of bad news. Oh well, it is what it is. I try to tell myself that I can't truly appreciate the highs in life without experiencing the lows. And this is true I suppose, but when you're at the bottom that little quip isn't that comforting. However, what IS comforting to me lately is the fact that Jesus actually cares when we are hurting. Throughout my mom's battle with cancer, she has been keeping an online journal of her thoughts and experiences. One theme that pervades is that of "exchanging of my weakness for His strength". It really is amazing that, in our weakest, direst, most desperate conditions we can find God's strength peace the most.

1 comment:

Maggie said...


Hi! I found your blog through your FB page! I am praying that your 2010 has many more highs than lows too! See you in a few weeks.
