Friday, January 1, 2010

I'm back...again!

Well, I'm back. I'd been considering a comeback to blogging for a while-- I'm not quite sure what made me decide to commit to it, but regardless here I am. I've been gone a while, and it's been quite a year. Unfortunately I can't say it's all been sunshine and rainbows this year. But, I'll leave that topic for a later post I suppose.

I'd like to make this post about my thoughts on New Years. Last night my husband and I turned on the countdown to midnight they do on TV at NYC Times Square. Every year it's the same 'ol drill: tons and tons of people packed together, smiling, waving, drinking, kissing, countdown to the ball dropping, everyone acting like this coming year is going to be amazing....blah, blah, blah. For the most part I'm thinking-- what's the big deal? It's just another day with a different number attached to it? So what? But I got to thinking about it some more, and I think the dawn of a new year definitely does deserve special attention.

I think New Year's Day is an important demarcation in our lives. Every year we are urged to ponder the past year-- what was good? what was bad? what would we like to change? These are important considerations in our lives. How does make any progress without evaluating the past and looking to the future? Perhaps I'm a bit simplistic in the fact that I need to be told to do this...I don't know. I'm still processing 2009. Thoughts to come on that and 2010 perhaps....

P.S. New year, new look. Courtesy of

1 comment:

The Sugden Kids said...

good to have you back Ana, I've missed your musings!