Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin time

A couple weekends ago we ventured out to the pumpkin patch. Actually, it was more like a fall-themed amusement park. They had a miniature zoo, playground equipment in vehicle shapes, restaurants, a harvest store, pony rides...I could go on here. And it even had the huge parking lot and crowds to match! It was a cool place, but it was WAY too crowded. If I ever return there I've made a note-to-self to only go on a weekday.

Anyways, we joined the ranks of parents who endeavor to get that perfect picture of their child sitting next to pumpkins. It's pretty funny really...we all sound the same..."Mia...Maggie...look over!...sit next to your sister...stop doing that!...say cheese!" You get the idea. One thing I've figured out is that no matter how hard I try, my kids just aren't going to cooperate (at the same time) for a photo. And trying to get a family photo-- forget about it!!! I'm posting the family shot we took because it's pretty funny. I don't know if you can see but Mia was crying in the background and Maggie was twisting to get out of my arms. ;) The friends we went with got a great family picture. Their daughter is beautiful, photogenic and cooperative! Oh well, what are you going to do!? There are worse problems than this to be sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the family photo! :) I miss you guys so much, especially when I see the pumpkins! xo.