Sunday, December 21, 2008

Parting is such sweet sorrow...

As of a couple weeks ago, Mia no longer takes a nap. Actually she would take a nap but, as a result, not go to sleep until 10PM. Totally unacceptable. So we tried eliminating the nap, and, to our surprise, she did pretty well with it, with the very happy outcome of her passing out by 7. It's been a slightly bumpy adjustment...mostly for me. That bit of time in the afternoon when both kids were napping was, as I called it, my moment of serenity. ;) Not only could I have a bit of time to myself, but it was the time of day when I could be productive. Phone calls, cleaning, etc, etc. I'm finding it hard to keep her occupied and still be productive. And unfortunately it's very hard to not rely on the TV to entertain her for a bit so I can get things done. I just thought she would be taking a nap for another year at least! (Can't you just hear the whiny tone in my voice?) Anyways, enough of my tirade here...on the bright side, I have my evenings back! This fact makes it a pretty good trade-off even though it's been an adjustment.

I wrote the above paragraph earlier today, and now that I read it over it sounds very whiny and rather annoying....thought about just not posting, but I figure-- what the heck-- take it or leave it, this is whatcha get....


Anonymous said...

Not whiny at all! You've got a great attitude for such a huge shift in schedules/ routines! Congrats on the early bedtime! Miss you (and will miss our naptime phone dates).

The Sugden Kids said...

If your post sounds whinny and annoying to you...I can only imagine how painful it must be for you to read mine! AGH! :)

Austin quit napping way too early...and I've quit feeling guilty about letting him watch TV so I can have my time! It's "quiet time" I call it...when the babies are napping, AJ is watching tv or a movie and I can grab a bite or do some work, whatever... you've gotta do what you've gotta do! :)