Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I do it every year. I eat too much stinking candy. This year I purposely put off buying our Halloween candy until the day before Halloween. And you'd think maybe I'd buy something I don't like to prevent me from pigging out. Nope! I bought the bag with the Almond Joys, Snickers and Reeses!

So this year we dressed Mia up as a Sunflower. I wanted to get her a ladybug costume because she is borderline obsessed with them, but I just wasn't finding anything good. So, a Sunflower with ladybugs on it's stem had to do. Oh, and it being 50% off at TRU helped too. :) Maggie was a little lion, and a very cute one at that! We took them trick-or-treating to a few houses. Mia was very shy (as expected), yet has been asking to go trick-or-treating every day since Halloween--go figure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH! Mia looks so freaking tall and your hat is absolutely adorable!