Thursday, November 6, 2008


At the beginning of October we went back to AZ for my best friend Carrie's wedding, or CareBear as many of her family and friends affectionately call her. It was my first time back since we had moved...I thought it would feel strange or that I would be sentimental but I, must say, I wasn't in the least. I truly felt like I was visiting and that I had been gone much longer. Some of that may be attributed to all the hustle and bustle of our visit. Not only was I very busy with all the activities involved with being in a wedding, but my parents were back from South Africa and my sister (and her husband and 3 kids) were there from CA. It was really wonderful to see everyone. Mia had a great time trying to keep up with all her older cousins.

My lack of sentiment upon returning to a place I lived for 6 years makes me think....fact of the matter is, I can uproot and move without much emotion. Don't get me wrong, I miss people that I leave but honestly I don't get too torn up about it. Sometimes I think something is wrong that me that I am this way...Is it because I've moved around so much in my life? Or maybe something about my personality? Or both? Every move I've made has been exciting...I felt like it was a necessary, new step in my life. Even when I think back to being a kid. When I was 11, my family moved from Missouri to Los Angeles. That's quite a big move and a big change for a child of 11, but I remember being so excited about it! And I felt the same way about moving to Arizona then just recently, of course, to Illinois. I told Gabe the other day that at this point I'd be open to moving anywhere. I mean...why not? You only live once, right? I love it that I've gotten to live so many different places. I feel like it's enriched me as a person.

Anyways, I wasn't really intending to go off on that rant but I guess I'll go with it...back to Carrie's wedding though. Boy oh boy was it a beautiful wedding! I seriously think they got everything perfect about that wedding. The colors, the setting, the flowers, the food-- the BRIDE! Carrie looked absolutely breath-taking. Several of us were commenting that she was the most beautiful bride we'd ever seen. No doubt about it-- she was radiant. I have nothing but the best wishes for Carrie and her wonderful husband Jeremy. You guys are beautiful baby! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the awesome things you said about our wedding!!!! I do agree that the wedding was beautiful! Ana-you looked amazing with your awesome dress and very cool shoes! What a pretty bridesmaid! I had so much fun with you both! The bachelorette party was the coolest and I appreciate all of the help you and Gabe provided too! Too bad we cannot keep the cool body paint on forever. Carebear