Thursday, May 15, 2008

Spring visits

Sorry about my absence from the blog world...not that I was really missed all that much (boo-hoo!). In my love-hate relationship with blogging, I am currently residing in the "hate" stage. But, none the less, here I am posting because I was inspired by a visit from family this past week.

I love having visitors, especially when it's family. Gabe's twin sisters Amanda and Aubrey (and her husband Justin and their 2 boys) drove out from PA. Boy oh boy did Mia have fun with Drew who is her junior by only 6 days. Their favorite activity was to "take a walk" around the house while holding hands. Too cute. We got to do our fair bit of hanging out (MarioKart anyone?) and Chicago sight-seeing. I've included some pictures of their visit. Isn't that a nice family photo of Aubrey, Justin and the kids? Such sweet, cooperative children. Now compare that to our family picture! And that's the best of several taken! Ha! ;)


Carol said...

What are you talking about?! Of course you were missed!! I checked your blog every time I was online! ;) Seriously! Glad you had a good visit with family!

-ana- said...

Well I wasn't trying to have a pity party or anything-- seriously! But it IS nice to know I have at least one person who regularly reads! ;)