Monday, February 18, 2008


I thought I'd give a family update since it's been a while...

The kids are doing great. Although I definitely can't brag about Maggie's sleep habits, she's getting more and more interactive all the time. She is finally to the stage where she's "playing" (in a baby sort of way of course). She loves to watch Mia run around, and Mia is absolutely obsessed with her. I can't tell you how many times a day I say "don't lay on her Mia," "gentle Mia," etc, etc. But, I also can't say how many times a day Mia gives Maggie hugs and kisses. I've really been enjoying watching them interact. They already have such a sweet bond! One funny thing about Maggie is that she is a loud baby and she loves attention! Whether she's crying or cooing she is just plain loud! Gabe and I just can't get over it-- we're always saying to each other, "Geez, she is SO loud!" Kinda funny...I wonder where she gets it from. ;)

Gabe is doing well at work. However, things are really starting to pick up lately, so there has been quite a bit of pressure on him. If you think of him, you can say a little prayer that he withstands the mounting stress and pressure of this new position.

I suppose I'm doing pretty well too. I've had some nasty cabin fever due to this dreadfully cold weather we've been having-- although I've enjoyed having winter again, I'm definitely ready for spring to be here! And don't any of you Arizona folk dare say I told you so-- I'd still rather deal with our 3 month winter than the 6 month summer of AZ! Besides being stuck inside a great deal and playing with the girls, I've been getting involved in a mommy group. It's basically a group of moms that organize different activities and playgroups and such. It's been a good way for me to meet people. If you need something to pray for in regards to me, you can pray that I am able to be a good witness.

That'll do for now...


Carol said...

I'm sorry I didn't comment earlier when I first read this, I thought I had...

I can't believe how big Maggie's getting! (Or how big her eyes are!) Mia sure looks like she loves her! :)

Anonymous said...

Your girls are so beautiful! I've been thinking a lot about you guys lately. Miss you.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I want to meet Maggie!!!! I cannot wait to see Mia and Maggie! They are beautiful!