Sunday, December 30, 2007

Best Christmas gift ever!!!

This Christmas I got one of the best gifts a mom could ever ask for-- my little Maggie started smiling! We'd seen glimpses of her smile while she slept but hadn't seen that real social smile until a few days before Christmas. I'm sure all you parents can relate to the feelings it stirs up when you see your baby smile back at you...especially after weeks and weeks of caring for your little one and getting virtually no response back! That first month+ is undoubtedly special, but I must admit that I get tired of that seemingly unresponsive blob! I mean that in the most endearing way of course. ;) In fact, I've been pondering lately how the newborn-parent relationship is probably a lot like the human-God relationship. I mean, God gives and gives and we take and take but don't really ever give anything in return. Yet God does it all because he loves us, just as I (as a parent) do all I do because I love my baby. It doesn't matter that she's not giving anything in return-- I love her!! But, I suppose I've revealed the main difference in the analogy-- God never gets weary of the process nor expects anything in return. Thank goodness!

So the next best gift I got was finding out that my sister and my newphew Mathew are coming out to visit me in January. Yippie! Can't wait to see them!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Too funny!

As Mia's vocabulary is growing and she's starting to repeat what she hears Gabe and I saying, I'm starting to become more aware of what I say around her. Don't worry, I don't have to worry about cursing or anything like that, but isn't this cartoon just too funny!! HA!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Mommy mush

OK so lately I feel like my brain is turning into mommy mush! I need some serious mental stimulation! I would like to read a good book, but for some reason I can't seem to find one that interests me.

So, this is where I need your help! What book would you recommend? What is your all-time favorite book and why?