Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Leaf snow

Well, autumn is coming to a close and winter is right around the corner. It's weird how fast the leaves turn and fall. About 2 weeks ago all the trees in our area were vibrant with almost all the trees are bare. The leaves on one of the maples in our front yard turned a pretty golden yellow and all fell off within two days. They are covering the whole yard like snow...can't even see the grass anymore! It was fun seeing Mia run around in the leaves. It was a totally new experience for her-- come to think of it, it's been such a long time for me it's kind of like a new experience for me too!

Something Gabe and I have been reflecting on lately is how the seasons serve such an important role in the passing of time. When we lived in Arizona it was like one never-ending seemed to blur together and there was no significant demarcation of time. Of course I'm exaggerating a little bit-- but do you know what I mean? I don't know, seems like God's nature reminding me of the passage of time and prompting me to assess my life.

Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving day. What a great holiday to celebrate! It's refreshing to have a day where we get to mull over everything we are thankful for. I'm not even going to try to list here everything I am thankful for, but my heart is full these days as I'm keenly aware of God's blessing in my life.


Carol said...

I'm so thankful for you guys!!! And thankful you get to have the seasons back. I think it's so important, too. Counting down the days till we'll be together again. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful writting Ana. I know exactly what you mean about the seasons and passing time. I often felt a reconection to my own childhood memories during the changes of season.