Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sister love

My sister (and her son Mathew) came out to visit us last weekend. I can't even express how good it was to see her! I knew I missed her but seeing her in person made it really hit home. I'm really grateful for the fact that her and her husband make it a priority to stay in touch with family...whether it's visiting family in Arizona, Texas, Tennessee...and now Illinois. I guess I felt special. ;) I hope my girls love each other the way me and my sister do-- there's nothing like having an awesome sister who loves you dearly!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


I was sifting through some random photos that I had in a box yesterday and came across this one. I laughed out loud when I saw it! We were really striking a pose now weren't we!? Ha! Those were the days...

Friday, January 11, 2008

Things I've learned or re-learned this past week:

1. Don't place your toddler near the wall when she's coloring with markers!
I made the mistake of doing so earlier this week and now I have huge orange scribbles all over the wall. They were even washable markers, but unfortunately our landlord painted the walls of this house with FLAT paint. Akkk!

2. Sleep deprivation can make me not such a nice person.
Maggie is still waking up 2 times a night to eat-- I'm SO wishing she would sleep longer. The thing is, I'm getting plenty hours of sleep but the interruptions in sleep really mess me up. So, it's resulted in me being unlike myself. I hate that...

3. Staying in the house for more than one day gives me cabin fever!
The cold weather combined with having a newborn has resulted in me staying home a lot lately. But those days are over! I was going mad being at home and feeling rather pathetic and depressed. In fact, I was wallowing in self-pity sometimes. So, I'm resuming normal activities of a normal person. I am part of a Mom's group and I'm making a point of getting involved. I went to a few get-togethers before I had Maggie but had kind of dropped out since then...but now I'm getting back to it. I need social interaction with other Moms in a serious way. And hopefully we find a church soon-- I (we) need that also. It's just so hard finding a home church (but that's a different post!).

4. 60 degrees is SO not cold
Earlier this week we had a little warm-up. It was in the upper 50's outside-- all the snow melted and it felt like fall again. Weird. Even weirder was that it felt warm to me. I remember in Arizona that was considered cold. HA! I guess I've adapted, huh?

5. Getting 2 kids to smile at the same time for a picture is impossible!
I was trying to get a recent picture of the kids and had a heck of a time getting one where they both looked good. So, I'm gonna have to post more than one...you get the idea...